[Comtec Announce] [IP Voice Services] - Emergency Engineering Work: 15/03/2014

Richard Betson richard.betson at comtec.com
Fri Mar 14 13:00:49 GMT 2014

Please be advised of the following planned engineering works on the IP Voice Services platform:

Date: 03:00 to 06:00 on Saturday, 15/03/2014

Our IP Voice Platform Engineering Team will be performing Emergency works to replace hardware within a call processing server within one of the platforms call processing clusters, between 03:00 on 15/03/2014 and 06:00 on 15/03/2014.

Monitoring of server hardware has indicated a failing hardware element within one of the servers in a cluster. Whilst this is still running as expected, so is not affecting service currently Engineering wish to repl ace it at the earliest opportunity to prevent it's possible failure from impacting on service in the future. As such they are carrying out these works tomorrow morning.

As this server is the primary within the cluster, prior to undertaking the works service will be rolled to its peer to ensure service that maintained with as little impact to customers as possible. When service is rolled users may experience a brief period of increased post dial delay or a drop in registration, this should last no longer than 2 minutes. We recommend that if users do experience a call setup issue that they wait 2 minutes and retry their action.

Our IP Voice Platform Engineering team will roll service at the best possible time within this window to ensure any disruption is kept to a minimum.

Once the primary is reinstated traffic will be restored back to it gradually as devices go through a standard registration refresh over the course of the weekend.

If your Phone System does not re-register automatically after the maintenance window please restart and test again before contacting the NOC for further assistance.

We apologise for the short notice of these works, the Engineering to team will be working to make sure that any disruption, if experienced, is kept to a minimum.


Comtec Network Operation Centre

For urgent operational issues please always contact noc at comtec.com or
0845 899 1423 and not any named individual.

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